SHG condensing units air-cooled
the current series, Bock offers condenser sets with receivers from 1.5
to 30 kW nominal drive power and 5 to 180 m³/h
The very latest compressors in the Pluscom generation are
used in the lower and middle capacity segment.
All units are designed in
a modular system.
Special features Universal Comprehensive
range of application (R134a, R404A, R507, R407C, R22) for air-conditioning,
normal refrigeration and deep-freezing Reliable and safe oil supply
All compressors are equipped with classical lube oil circuit and
speed-independent oil pump High refrigerating capacity with reduced power
consumption Generously dimensioned condenser with optimised tube circuits
and thermal transfer in connection with high-powered fans Economic
ventilators One-phase external rotor motors (230V - 1 - 50/60Hz) with
winding protection. Motor suitable for electronic speed control for optimum
adjustment of condensing pressure.
HG...e Those compressors are efficiency optimised models.
By technical optimisations the motor-efficiency, gas flow and efficiency of
the valve system are improved.